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08:33 GMT         Day 22 of 90, Season 69    


Written by ekaitz team at 15:47 26/3-2014

  3 años y medio, 16 temporadas, 14 de ellas completas, 101 Resultados, 99 podiums, 40 victorias repartidas por todas las categorías excepto en una, 8 dobletes, un triplete, una Clásica o estar 5º nacional, no habían sido suficientes. Sin embargo un 5º puesto de Estebe Pimental en Budapest ITT ha bastado para poder subir a 1º.
  Es la primera vez y por los pelos porque somos tres los equipos que ocupamos la misma posición, 49º con 1570 puntos, pero puedo decir orgulloso que... ESTAMOS EN 1ª!!!!!
  PD: Como dato anecdótico, hace 90 días estaba sufriendo por no bajar a 4ª div.
  Dia para recordar
  Written by soulrider (ekaitz team) at 16:23 18/10-2013
   Hoy es un día especial en la historia de Ekaitz Team, ya que si a que lleva varias semanas instalado en la Zyte Division, añadimos que se ha situado en el 81º lugar del ranking global y 6º de España superando a SierraEspadan , tenemos como resultado el mejor momento del equipo.
   Tras conocer la noticia Soulrider manager del equipo llamó al propietario del equipo y le dijo:
   -¡¡Peque, vamos 6º del ranking nacional!!!
   A lo que Ekaitz respondio:
   -Paaaaapa, amooooo saltar camaaaa-
   Con las emotivas declaraciones de la cúpula directiva les dejamos.
   Hasta la proxima!!!!
  Timo Canseco first; Cristobal Zubizarreta second
   ekaitz team had a perfect day after controlling the race in Stage 4 of Tweedaagse van Antwerpen. The sprint was set perfectly for Timo Canseco, who just had to sprint along and win when his team mates launched the sprint. It was a close race between Cristobal Zubizarreta from Drapeau Noir and Timo Canseco, though, Timo Canseco's win was never really threatened.
  ekaitz team's Timo Canseco didn't hide his joy when winning the 4th stage of Tweedaagse van Antwerpen. It's incredible. I didn't expect this at all. I just wanted to try, I aimed for being 5th or 6th, but suddenly I was in the lead! said the happy winner.
  It's good to see Timo Canseco fulfilling his ambitions winning this stage. He deserves the victory more than anyone else, said the proud manager of ekaitz team, soulrider, and continued: The team was a good support for him (Timo Canseco) today, and he clearly proved his worth in sprint.
   The activity in the peloton was high on the 3th stage of Tweedaagse van Antwerpen. Several riders attempted to break away. When the peloton passed the first 13 km, Qi Yiqun (Asymm Project), Andrea Camata, (IndieRock) and Timo Canseco (ekaitz team) launched an attack. The peloton didn't take the attack too serious, which resulted in the trio fighting for the stage win. Andrea Camata won the sprint in the group, and became the happy winner of Arendonk - Geel. Timo Canseco was second, and Qi Yiqun third.
  I'm still in shock. When the attack started earlier today, I didn't expect to end up as winner, said the happy IndieRock rider, Andrea Camata. Only at the very end, I realized that this could be my chance, and so it was.
  IndieRock's manager, Eugenio, was satisfied after the result on the 3th stage of Tweedaagse van Antwerpen. Andrea Camata did very well today. Everything turned out as we planned it, and Andrea Camata had the power to win, said the manager.
  Qi Yiqun closes deal
   Qi Yiqun insured a proud victory for Asymm Project in Hoogstraten - Arendonk (Tweedaagse van Antwerpen Stage 2). Only a few inches ahead of the other sprinters, Qi Yiqun showed prosmising sprinting abilities. Right behind him, the two rivals, Andrea Camata (IndieRock) and Sean Thuesen (V02maXXers), became second and third respectively.
  I'm very happy for my win today. It means a lot to me, said Qi Yiqun and continued: I couldn't have done this without my team. I can't thank them enough.
  It's good to see Qi Yiqun fulfilling his ambitions winning this stage. He deserves the victory more than anyone else, said the proud manager of Asymm Project, Holger Czukay, and continued: The team was a good support for him (Qi Yiqun) today, and he clearly proved his worth in sprint.
  RE: Barrenechea
  Asymm Project
  ekaitz team
  23:15 2/2-2015
  Reply Save Delete
  Me parece buen plan el que llevas con el equipamiento. Como regla general, si no tienes la pasta no lo compres, y si no sabes qué hacer con el dinero, pues adelante.
  Canseco me parece capaz de ganar lo que sea en primera, si tiene top form. Es un relevo perfecto para Zubi, con nada que envidiarle (y el TQ es el segundo stat más importante en el pavés, o sea que perfecto).
   Minsk CBGP
   Minsk was host for the division two classic Minsk CBGP and had polished their cobbles again for this great race around the capital of Belarus. A moment to show off what the country has to offer for visitors to enjoy, the riders set on a course celebrating the Belarussian country. The cobbles took the riders one by one and when they returned into the city small groups of riders were left. Timo Canseco of ekaitz team was most fresh and he outsprinted his fellow frontrunners Timo de Ruijter, Oekiewakkie and Toby Yallop, Rigana to claim the trophy.
   1. Timo Canseco, ekaitz team
   2. Timo de Ruijter, Oekiewakkie
   3. Toby Yallop, Rigana


Subscribers: 15

9 years.

  Nine years omg...



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Timo Canseco Campeón de España

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  Y no un timo cualquiera como el de la estampita o el de los trileros. Hablo de un timo en mayusculas: Timo Canseco si, ganador de la última edición del TVA y ...


Ranked 15th!!!!!!

  31 January. Your team participated in Bucharest TT. Rodolfo Gomez finished 6 th as your best rider. You earned 6.000 $. After this result the team reach ...


Spanish Nr1

  14/01/16 o el dia 40 de la s35 ya es parte de la historia del ekaitz team. En general la temporada entera pasará a la historia como la mejor aunque el equipo ...


Once upon a time...

  A bored man discover this amazing game a day like this, exactly 5 years ago. 20 seasons later still here, reaching levels that I never expect for my team and ...


Nº1 histórico

  Trás 10 temporadas en el equipo y muchos de los mayores logros del ekaitz team, Estebe Pimental ha logrado el ansiado nº1 del histórico de Argentina. Desp...


Otra vez TOP

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Objetivo conseguido.

  Hace ya algo mas de una temporada que Estebe Pimental alcanzaba uno de los mayores logros del Ekaitz Team, la victoria en la clasificación general de una vuelt...


Otra mas de Pimental

   Increíble 1er puesto de EL PIBE en el Giro de Montelbano. Desde el equipo se esperaba una buena actuación pero esto!!! En la 1ª etapa entre Torre Vado - ...



  3 años y medio, 16 temporadas, 14 de ellas completas, 101 Resultados, 99 podiums, 40 victorias repartidas por todas las categorías excepto en una, 8 dobletes,...


Esteve Pimental Arrasa

  Estebe Pimental Sorprende a todos    El ciclista de ekaitz team, Estebe Pimental establece un ritmo excelente en la carrera contrarreloj, Malmö - Landskro...



  NO! No es el tiempo de condena que tuve que cumplir en las peores carceles del mundo, allí pasé más tiempo. Debido a las malas compañias y a los errores de ...


Demirhan Tuncay's first stage

   ekaitz team's Demirhan Tuncay set an unbeatable tempo in the time trial race, Sotiras ITT. Without hesitating or looking back, Demirhan Tuncay powered ahead...


Victory for Kimball Testaferrata Olivier

   Villach ITT (Individual Time Trial race) became very interesting and incredibly close, as Kimball Testaferrata Olivier (ekaitz team) only just managed to beat...


Kimball Testaferrata Olivier closes deal

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Rotm, S. 22

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KAS KASKOL at 00:35 31/3-2014
  Bueno, no son muchos los que pueden decir que lo han logrado... yo tan solo he llegado a 3 div., así que... otra muesca, Soulrider, no sé que más te queda por hacer... mm ¿seleccionador?

Asymm Project at 16:50 28/3-2014
  Bien hecho!!! :)

ekaitz team at 15:51 26/3-2014
  Muchas gracias Milo!!
  Y mucha suerte con la Selección!!!!!

Cloud Atlas at 15:49 26/3-2014

Other Team's Press Releases
The perplexity of being happy and sad
  As everyone following my team knows , things haven't been going to plan lately... off days are the norm , injuries just keep on piling up and transfers aren't g...


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